Book Review
The book “Swallowing Stones” by Joyce McDonald, is a book I really enjoyed reading not only because of the story line, but I enjoyed the way it was written, different from most other books I have read.
The story itself is very interesting. It starts off at Michael’s birthday party when he gets a new gun. He is showing it off to his friends and shoots it up into the air, little does he know that he actually killed someone. Or did he? Cops find someone that possibly shot the gun at the same time.
Jenna on the other hand is outside with her father fixing the hole in the roof when out of nowhere a bullet comes and kills her father.
The part of the book that makes me like it is how it has the two main characters, Jenna, and Michael, who don’t know each other, and all the way through the book they have separate chapters talking about their own lives and problems until the last chapter when they meet for the first time. Which that is the only part of the book I do not like, because it never really shows them talking.
DId Michael really shoot Mr. Ward, or was he worried for nothing? Read the book to find out.