1. Starting April, 22 all students at RHHS except freshmen will start having the option of an open campus lunch policy. The policy was granted because of “phenomenal test scores” the lunch period will be extended by 10 mins.
2. In May of 2006 Rock Hill will be the next city to receive a Super WalMart. They usually do not build their stores less than 75 miles apart but WM thinks that because Rock Hill is a growing community it can handle another. Some people think it is a bad idea so they will have a petition on January, 25.
3. Napoleon Dynamite is supposed to be a 6th grader but because of his genius status, Mr. George would like him to move up to highschool early. He thinks ND should start immediately so he does not waist time in middle school.
4. The survey shows that 3 to 4 die every day due to child abuse or neglect but more than half of them were under 1 years old. 79% were under 5. this was all said the the survey done by the Child Abuse Prevention Center in Baltimore.
5. A fire on Los Gatos caused $76,000 in damages to a two bedroom house on main street, the fire was started by a cigarette on the sofa the flame was under controll in 5 mins. The home owner was awakened by smoke and flames she suffered minor burns on her hands and feet.
Use your five w’s better.
You did a good job with starting off with the who, when and why and you were very descriptive.
Remember the leads need to be at least 2 sentences.
Good job
great job, especially on details! 🙂
In the first and second paragraph in my opinion I think you should not have lead with the date/time.
I like how specific you are with your information.