I Wonder Why
Cute puppies
Wildlife Survial
Use of wildlife is: Killing animals for their fur to stay warm, and eating the meat from the animals, and make traps.
Out of the gray fox you can make clothing like in the pic. shown below.
Deer meat
1. Skin the deer
2.Clean the meat
3.Put on the grill for 4hrs
4.Add some some salt, pepper, and slap yo mama on it
5. Put on the grill for another 30 mins
6. Let stand for 10 mins
Wildlife Survival
The Most Funnest Weekend Of My Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last weekend was a really fun weekend. It all started the Friday of spring break. We left home to go to go my sisters softball tournament in New Barnufels it was like an 7 or 8 hour drive, but in the car I mostly slept. Then we finally got there and we checked into the hotel. We went to bed and got up in the morning and played a game my sisters team won. We played 3 games that day and went undefeated. We went to bed that night and in the morning played our first bracket game. We won it and won the next one, but we lost the third one so had to play a third place game, and we won so we got third place.Then we drove back home.